
Hot Selling Garden Party Red Togo Leather Snap Top & Sides - Replica Hermes Round Double Top Handles 31CM Shoulder Bag


Hermès first released the garden party tote bag in 1964, and it quickly became one of Hermès' most popular bags. The replica bag is made of high-end red Togo leather for high-end quality, and has an extra snap button feature on the side to give the bag just the right amount of plasticity. Plus, the bag's spacious interior can hold larger or more items at once. Wear this phony bag for a casual look.


Textile lining
A flat zipper pocket in the interior
Hermes engraved polished metal trimmings
Two rounded leather handles
Cowhide Leather
Leather trimmings
Snap-button closure in the center

Availability: In stock
More Information
Color Red
Handbag Exterior Red Togo Leather Fake Handbag With Silver Tone Hardware, Snap Button Closure, Open Top, Two Rolled Handles With Extended Leather Straps Running All The Way To The Other Side, Wide Side With Snap Button.
Gender Women's
Material Togo Leather
Style Street Fashion, Sweet Lady
Texture Leather Belt, Metallic
Handbag Closure Snap-button Closure
Handbag Dimension W31XH21XD13(cm)
Handbag Interior Textile Lining With Zipper Pocket
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